Runtime: 863ms
On January 18, 2025, 04:32 AM UTC, https://www.genderit.org/ was accessible when tested on AS37671 in Tunisia.
HTTP Experiment
DNS Experiment
DNS Queries
IN A www.genderit.org
TCP Connections
Connection to succeeded.
Connection to succeeded.
Connection to succeeded.
HTTP Requests
GET https://www.genderit.org/
Response Headers
Cache-Control:no-cache,no-storeContent-Type:text/htmlDate:Sat, 18 Jan 2025 04:32:39 GMTServer:nginxSet-Cookie:deflect_challenge3=a9xgnCjJN4Yjpwbj7z%2Fa6zgxeyUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABnjIBn; Path=/; Max-Age=86400X-Deflect-Session:q/3MoUQ7Y8MAAAAAZ4s89w==X-Deflect-Session-New:true
Response Body
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <!-- Copyright (c) 2023, eQualit.ie inc. All rights reserved. This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. --> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Verifying if your connection is secure...</title> <script type="text/javascript"> 'use strict'; function count_zero_bits_from_left(bytes) { var zero_bit_count = 0; for (var byte_index = 0; byte_index < bytes.length; byte_index++) { for (var bit_index = 7; bit_index >= 0; bit_index--) { if ((bytes[byte_index] & (1 << bit_index)) == 0) { zero_bit_count++; } else { return zero_bit_count; } } } return zero_bit_count; } function typed_array_to_base64(typed_array) { return btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, typed_array)); } /** * [js-sha256]{@link https://github.com/emn178/js-sha256} * * @version 0.9.0 * @author Chen, Yi-Cyuan [emn178@gmail.com] * @copyright Chen, Yi-Cyuan 2014-2017 * @license MIT */ !function(){"use strict";function t(t,i){i?(d[0]=d[16]=d[1]=d[2]=d[3]=d[4]=d[5]=d[6]=d[7]=d[8]=d[9]=d[10]=d[11]=d[12]=d[13]=d[14]=d[15]=0,this.blocks=d):this.blocks=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],t?(this.h0=3238371032,this.h1=914150663,this.h2=812702999,this.h3=4144912697,this.h4=4290775857,this.h5=1750603025,this.h6=1694076839,this.h7=3204075428):(this.h0=1779033703,this.h1=3144134277,this.h2=1013904242,this.h3=2773480762,this.h4=1359893119,this.h5=2600822924,this.h6=528734635,this.h7=1541459225),this.block=this.start=this.bytes=this.hBytes=0,this.finalized=this.hashed=!1,this.first=!0,this.is224=t}function i(i,r,s){var e,n=typeof i;if("string"===n){var o,a=[],u=i.length,c=0;for(e=0;e<u;++e)(o=i.charCodeAt(e))<128?a[c++]=o:o<2048?(a[c++]=192|o>>6,a[c++]=128|63&o):o<55296||o>=57344?(a[c++]=224|o>>12,a[c++]=128|o>>6&63,a[c++]=128|63&o):(o=65536+((1023&o)<<10|1023&i.charCodeAt(++e)),a[c++]=240|o>>18,a[c++]=128|o>>12&63,a[c++]=128|o>>6&63,a[c++]=128|63&o);i=a}else{if("object"!==n)throw new Error(h);if(null===i)throw new Error(h);if(f&&i.constructor===ArrayBuffer)i=new Uint8Array(i);else if(!(Array.isArray(i)||f&&ArrayBuffer.isView(i)))throw new Error(h)}i.length>64&&(i=new t(r,!0).update(i).array());var y=[],p=[];for(e=0;e<64;++e){var l=i[e]||0;y[e]=92^l,p[e]=54^l}t.call(this,r,s),this.update(p),this.oKeyPad=y,this.inner=!0,this.sharedMemory=s}var h="input is invalid type",r="object"==typeof window,s=r?window:{};s.JS_SHA256_NO_WINDOW&&(r=!1);var e=!r&&"object"==typeof self,n=!s.JS_SHA256_NO_NODE_JS&&"object"==typeof process&&process.versions&&process.versions.node;n?s=global:e&&(s=self);var o=!s.JS_SHA256_NO_COMMON_JS&&"object"==typeof module&&module.exports,a="function"==typeof define&&define.amd,f=!s.JS_SHA256_NO_ARRAY_BUFFER&&"undefined"!=typeof ArrayBuffer,u="0123456789abcdef".split(""),c=[-2147483648,8388608,32768,128],y=[24,16,8,0],p=[1116352408,1899447441,3049323471,3921009573,961987163,1508970993,2453635748,2870763221,3624381080,310598401,607225278,1426881987,1925078388,2162078206,2614888103,3248222580,3835390401,4022224774,264347078,604807628,770255983,1249150122,1555081692,1996064986,2554220882,2821834349,2952996808,3210313671,3336571891,3584528711,113926993,338241895,666307205,773529912,1294757372,1396182291,1695183700,1986661051,2177026350,2456956037,2730485921,2820302411,3259730800,3345764771,3516065817,3600352804,4094571909,275423344,430227734,506948616,659060556,883997877,958139571,1322822218,1537002063,1747873779,1955562222,2024104815,2227730452,2361852424,2428436474,2756734187,3204031479,3329325298],l=["hex","array","digest","arrayBuffer"],d=[];!s.JS_SHA256_NO_NODE_JS&&Array.isArray||(Array.isArray=function(t){return"[object Array]"===Object.prototype.toString.call(t)}),!f||!s.JS_SHA256_NO_ARRAY_BUFFER_IS_VIEW&&ArrayBuffer.isView||(ArrayBuffer.isView=function(t){return"object"==typeof t&&t.buffer&&t.buffer.constructor===ArrayBuffer});var A=function(i,h){return function(r){return new t(h,!0).update(r)[i]()}},w=function(i){var h=A("hex",i);n&&(h=b(h,i)),h.create=function(){return new t(i)},h.update=function(t){return h.create().update(t)};for(var r=0;r<l.length;++r){var s=l[r];h[s]=A(s,i)}return h},b=function(t,i){var r=eval("require('crypto')"),s=eval("require('buffer').Buffer"),e=i?"sha224":"sha256",n=function(i){if("string"==typeof i)return r.createHash(e).update(i,"utf8").digest("hex");if(null===i||void 0===i)throw new Error(h);return i.constructor===ArrayBuffer&&(i=new Uint8Array(i)),Array.isArray(i)||ArrayBuffer.isView(i)||i.constructor===s?r.createHash(e).update(new s(i)).digest("hex"):t(i)};return n},v=function(t,h){return function(r,s){return new i(r,h,!0).update(s)[t]()}},_=function(t){var h=v("hex",t);h.create=function(h){return new i(h,t)},h.update=function(t,i){return h.create(t).update(i)};for(var r=0;r<l.length;++r){var s=l[r];h[s]=v(s,t)}return h};t.prototype.update=function(t){if(!this.finalized){var i,r=typeof t;if("string"!==r){if("object"!==r)throw new Error(h);if(null===t)throw new Error(h);if(f&&t.constructor===ArrayBuffer)t=new Uint8Array(t);else if(!(Array.isArray(t)||f&&ArrayBuffer.isView(t)))throw new Error(h);i=!0}for(var s,e,n=0,o=t.length,a=this.blocks;n<o;){if(this.hashed&&(this.hashed=!1,a[0]=this.block,a[16]=a[1]=a[2]=a[3]=a[4]=a[5]=a[6]=a[7]=a[8]=a[9]=a[10]=a[11]=a[12]=a[13]=a[14]=a[15]=0),i)for(e=this.start;n<o&&e<64;++n)a[e>>2]|=t[n]<<y[3&e++];else for(e=this.start;n<o&&e<64;++n)(s=t.charCodeAt(n))<128?a[e>>2]|=s<<y[3&e++]:s<2048?(a[e>>2]|=(192|s>>6)<<y[3&e++],a[e>>2]|=(128|63&s)<<y[3&e++]):s<55296||s>=57344?(a[e>>2]|=(224|s>>12)<<y[3&e++],a[e>>2]|=(128|s>>6&63)<<y[3&e++],a[e>>2]|=(128|63&s)<<y[3&e++]):(s=65536+((1023&s)<<10|1023&t.charCodeAt(++n)),a[e>>2]|=(240|s>>18)<<y[3&e++],a[e>>2]|=(128|s>>12&63)<<y[3&e++],a[e>>2]|=(128|s>>6&63)<<y[3&e++],a[e>>2]|=(128|63&s)<<y[3&e++]);this.lastByteIndex=e,this.bytes+=e-this.start,e>=64?(this.block=a[16],this.start=e-64,this.hash(),this.hashed=!0):this.start=e}return this.bytes>4294967295&&(this.hBytes+=this.bytes/4294967296<<0,this.bytes=this.bytes%4294967296),this}},t.prototype.finalize=function(){if(!this.finalized){this.finalized=!0;var t=this.blocks,i=this.lastByteIndex;t[16]=this.block,t[i>>2]|=c[3&i],this.block=t[16],i>=56&&(this.hashed||this.hash(),t[0]=this.block,t[16]=t[1]=t[2]=t[3]=t[4]=t[5]=t[6]=t[7]=t[8]=t[9]=t[10]=t[11]=t[12]=t[13]=t[14]=t[15]=0),t[14]=this.hBytes<<3|this.bytes>>>29,t[15]=this.bytes<<3,this.hash()}},t.prototype.hash=function(){var t,i,h,r,s,e,n,o,a,f=this.h0,u=this.h1,c=this.h2,y=this.h3,l=this.h4,d=this.h5,A=this.h6,w=this.h7,b=this.blocks;for(t=16;t<64;++t)i=((s=b[t-15])>>>7|s<<25)^(s>>>18|s<<14)^s>>>3,h=((s=b[t-2])>>>17|s<<15)^(s>>>19|s<<13)^s>>>10,b[t]=b[t-16]+i+b[t-7]+h<<0;for(a=u&c,t=0;t<64;t+=4)this.first?(this.is224?(e=300032,w=(s=b[0]-1413257819)-150054599<<0,y=s+24177077<<0):(e=704751109,w=(s=b[0]-210244248)-1521486534<<0,y=s+143694565<<0),this.first=!1):(i=(f>>>2|f<<30)^(f>>>13|f<<19)^(f>>>22|f<<10),r=(e=f&u)^f&c^a,w=y+(s=w+(h=(l>>>6|l<<26)^(l>>>11|l<<21)^(l>>>25|l<<7))+(l&d^~l&A)+p[t]+b[t])<<0,y=s+(i+r)<<0),i=(y>>>2|y<<30)^(y>>>13|y<<19)^(y>>>22|y<<10),r=(n=y&f)^y&u^e,A=c+(s=A+(h=(w>>>6|w<<26)^(w>>>11|w<<21)^(w>>>25|w<<7))+(w&l^~w&d)+p[t+1]+b[t+1])<<0,i=((c=s+(i+r)<<0)>>>2|c<<30)^(c>>>13|c<<19)^(c>>>22|c<<10),r=(o=c&y)^c&f^n,d=u+(s=d+(h=(A>>>6|A<<26)^(A>>>11|A<<21)^(A>>>25|A<<7))+(A&w^~A&l)+p[t+2]+b[t+2])<<0,i=((u=s+(i+r)<<0)>>>2|u<<30)^(u>>>13|u<<19)^(u>>>22|u<<10),r=(a=u&c)^u&y^o,l=f+(s=l+(h=(d>>>6|d<<26)^(d>>>11|d<<21)^(d>>>25|d<<7))+(d&A^~d&w)+p[t+3]+b[t+3])<<0,f=s+(i+r)<<0;this.h0=this.h0+f<<0,this.h1=this.h1+u<<0,this.h2=this.h2+c<<0,this.h3=this.h3+y<<0,this.h4=this.h4+l<<0,this.h5=this.h5+d<<0,this.h6=this.h6+A<<0,this.h7=this.h7+w<<0},t.prototype.hex=function(){this.finalize();var t=this.h0,i=this.h1,h=this.h2,r=this.h3,s=this.h4,e=this.h5,n=this.h6,o=this.h7,a=u[t>>28&15]+u[t>>24&15]+u[t>>20&15]+u[t>>16&15]+u[t>>12&15]+u[t>>8&15]+u[t>>4&15]+u[15&t]+u[i>>28&15]+u[i>>24&15]+u[i>>20&15]+u[i>>16&15]+u[i>>12&15]+u[i>>8&15]+u[i>>4&15]+u[15&i]+u[h>>28&15]+u[h>>24&15]+u[h>>20&15]+u[h>>16&15]+u[h>>12&15]+u[h>>8&15]+u[h>>4&15]+u[15&h]+u[r>>28&15]+u[r>>24&15]+u[r>>20&15]+u[r>>16&15]+u[r>>12&15]+u[r>>8&15]+u[r>>4&15]+u[15&r]+u[s>>28&15]+u[s>>24&15]+u[s>>20&15]+u[s>>16&15]+u[s>>12&15]+u[s>>8&15]+u[s>>4&15]+u[15&s]+u[e>>28&15]+u[e>>24&15]+u[e>>20&15]+u[e>>16&15]+u[e>>12&15]+u[e>>8&15]+u[e>>4&15]+u[15&e]+u[n>>28&15]+u[n>>24&15]+u[n>>20&15]+u[n>>16&15]+u[n>>12&15]+u[n>>8&15]+u[n>>4&15]+u[15&n];return this.is224||(a+=u[o>>28&15]+u[o>>24&15]+u[o>>20&15]+u[o>>16&15]+u[o>>12&15]+u[o>>8&15]+u[o>>4&15]+u[15&o]),a},t.prototype.toString=t.prototype.hex,t.prototype.digest=function(){this.finalize();var t=this.h0,i=this.h1,h=this.h2,r=this.h3,s=this.h4,e=this.h5,n=this.h6,o=this.h7,a=[t>>24&255,t>>16&255,t>>8&255,255&t,i>>24&255,i>>16&255,i>>8&255,255&i,h>>24&255,h>>16&255,h>>8&255,255&h,r>>24&255,r>>16&255,r>>8&255,255&r,s>>24&255,s>>16&255,s>>8&255,255&s,e>>24&255,e>>16&255,e>>8&255,255&e,n>>24&255,n>>16&255,n>>8&255,255&n];return this.is224||a.push(o>>24&255,o>>16&255,o>>8&255,255&o),a},t.prototype.array=t.prototype.digest,t.prototype.arrayBuffer=function(){this.finalize();var t=new ArrayBuffer(this.is224?28:32),i=new DataView(t);return i.setUint32(0,this.h0),i.setUint32(4,this.h1),i.setUint32(8,this.h2),i.setUint32(12,this.h3),i.setUint32(16,this.h4),i.setUint32(20,this.h5),i.setUint32(24,this.h6),this.is224||i.setUint32(28,this.h7),t},i.prototype=new t,i.prototype.finalize=function(){if(t.prototype.finalize.call(this),this.inner){this.inner=!1;var i=this.array();t.call(this,this.is224,this.sharedMemory),this.update(this.oKeyPad),this.update(i),t.prototype.finalize.call(this)}};var B=w();B.sha256=B,B.sha224=w(!0),B.sha256.hmac=_(),B.sha224.hmac=_(!0),o?module.exports=B:(s.sha256=B.sha256,s.sha224=B.sha224,a&&define(function(){return B}))}(); async function sha_256_with_fallback(bytes) { if (typeof(crypto.subtle) !== "undefined") { var result = await crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", bytes); return result } var result = sha256.digest(bytes); return result } // XXX i had an expired cookie with the right number of zero bits and this went in a fast infinite loop async function new_solver(expected_number_of_zeroes) { // console.log("new_solver()"); var blah = document.cookie.split('; ').find(row => row.startsWith('deflect_challenge3')) if (! blah) { // XXX can happen if page is left open and cookie expires console.log("BAD BUG"); return; } var challenge_cookie_uri_encoded = blah.split('=')[1]; // gin mistakenly always uri encodes cookies. open issue. var challenge_cookie = decodeURIComponent(challenge_cookie_uri_encoded); // var total_start_time = performance.now(); var cookie_bytes = Uint8Array.from(atob(challenge_cookie), c => c.charCodeAt(0)); // console.log(cookie_bytes); var hmac_and_int_view = new DataView(cookie_bytes.buffer, 0 /*start*/, 20+32 /*length*/); // var hash_start_time = performance.now(); for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { // XXX config hmac_and_int_view.setBigUint64(20+32-8 /*byte offset*/, BigInt(i) /*value*/, false /*not littleEndian*/); // var hash_array_buffer_orig = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', hmac_and_int_view); var hash_array_buffer = await sha_256_with_fallback(new Uint8Array(cookie_bytes).slice(0, 20+32)); // var hash_view_orig = new Uint8Array(hash_array_buffer_orig); var hash_view = new Uint8Array(hash_array_buffer); // console.log("hash_view: ", hash_view); // console.log("hash_view_orig: ", hash_view_orig); var count = count_zero_bits_from_left(hash_view) if (count < expected_number_of_zeroes) { continue; } else { // var end_time = performance.now(); var base64_cookie = typed_array_to_base64(cookie_bytes); //console.log(base64_cookie); //console.log("total time took: ", (end_time - total_start_time), " ms"); //console.log("hashing time took: ", (end_time - hash_start_time), " ms"); console.log(count); console.log(i); // console.log(hash_view); // XXX: http_server.go applyCookieMaxAge() func will apply Max-Age dynamically to this line // Please be aware when attempting to modify this block of code document.cookie = "deflect_challenge3=" + base64_cookie + ";max-age=86400" + ";SameSite=Lax;path=/;"; location.reload(); return; } } } Object.prototype.first_key = function() { for (var key in this) { if (!Object.hasOwnProperty.call(this, key)) continue; return key; } }; function getLocalizedMessage() { // Define messages for different locales var messages = { en: "Verifying if your connection is secure", ru: "Проверка безопасности вашего соединения", uk: "Перевірка безпеки вашого з’єднання", be: "Праверка бяспекі вашага злучэнння", // Belarusian version es: "Verificando que su conexión sea segura", zh: { TW: "正在檢查您的連線是否安全", // Traditional Chinese HK: "正在檢查您的連線是否安全", // Traditional Chinese CN: "正在检查您的连接是否安全", // Simplified Chinese }, }; // Define priorities for locales var priorities = { en: 0, ru: 10, uk: 20, be: 15, es: 15, zh: { TW: 10, HK: 10, CN: 5, }, }; // Get user's preferred languages var userLanguages = navigator.languages || [ navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage, ]; console.log('userLanguages', userLanguages); var highestPriority = -1; var selectedMessage = messages.en; // default message for (var lang of userLanguages) { var primaryLang = lang.split("-")[0]; var locale = lang.split("-")[1]; var priority = priorities[primaryLang]; // handle lang with locale like zh-TW / zh-CN if (typeof priority == "object") { // handle "zh" without unkown locale if (locale == undefined) { locale = priorities[primaryLang].first_key() } priority = priorities[primaryLang][locale] } // Check if the language exists in our messages and priorities if (messages[primaryLang] && priority > highestPriority) { highestPriority = priority; selectedMessage = messages[primaryLang]; if (typeof selectedMessage == "object") { selectedMessage = selectedMessage[locale]; } } } return selectedMessage; } function setDomainName() { document.getElementsByClassName("website-title")[0].textContent = window.location.hostname; document.getElementsByClassName("website-title-footer")[0].textContent = window.location.hostname; } function setTitle() { document.getElementsByClassName("footer-title")[0].textContent = getLocalizedMessage(); } function setFavicon() { document.getElementsByClassName("website-favicon")[0].src = window.location.origin + '/favicon.ico'; } </script> <style> body, html { height: 100%; font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", 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m-342 -25 c31 -21 34 -27 37 -81 3 -49 0 -62 -19 -82 l-22 -23 22 -50 c11 -27 21 -52 21 -55 0 -3 -20 -6 -44 -6 -42 0 -45 2 -60 40 -13 34 -20 40 -45 40 -29 0 -30 -2 -33 -47 l-3 -48 -42 -3 -43 -3 0 155 c0 178 -13 159 115 175 39 5 73 9 76 10 3 0 21 -9 40 -22z m-299 -44 c24 -23 28 -35 28 -81 0 -48 -4 -58 -33 -87 -26 -26 -43 -33 -90 -39 l-57 -7 0 -39 c0 -44 -1 -46 -53 -55 l-37 -7 0 155 c0 114 3 158 13 164 14 9 91 20 156 22 36 1 50 -4 73 -26z m3198 -312 l0 -40 -52 -10 c-776 -156 -2569 -374 -3313 -403 l-60 -2 -3 42 c-2 23 1 42 6 42 6 0 142 22 303 50 908 153 1948 278 2864 344 283 20 255 23 255 -23z m0 -355 c0 -62 2 -61 -97 -71 l-63 -7 0 -198 c0 -110 -3 -201 -7 -203 -5 -3 -38 -8 -75 -12 l-68 -7 0 202 0 202 -47 -6 c-27 -4 -65 -9 -85 -12 l-38 -6 0 56 c0 31 1 56 3 57 4 1 441 56 460 58 14 1 17 -8 17 -53z m-562 -51 l42 -17 -27 -49 c-29 -54 -31 -55 -86 -36 -46 17 -152 5 -179 -20 -15 -14 -18 -33 -18 -134 0 -107 2 -119 20 -129 29 -16 129 -1 177 26 23 13 46 24 51 24 17 0 62 -73 52 -85 -29 -35 -116 -68 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Resolver ASN
Resolver IP
Resolver Network Name
Google LLC
Report ID
Software Name
ooniprobe-android-unattended (4.0.2)
Measurement Engine
ooniprobe-engine (3.24.0)