Runtime: 2.8s
On January 18, 2025, 06:38 AM UTC, http://www.orthodoxconvert.info/ was accessible when tested on AS49800 in Armenia.
HTTP Experiment
DNS Experiment
DNS Queries
IN A www.orthodoxconvert.info
TCP Connections
Connection to succeeded.
HTTP Requests
GET http://www.orthodoxconvert.info/
Response Headers
Connection:UpgradeContent-Type:text/html; charset=UTF-8Date:Sat, 18 Jan 2025 06:38:32 GMTServer:ApacheUpgrade:h2,h2cVary:Accept-Encoding,User-Agent
Response Body
<html> <!-- Created with the CoffeeCup HTML Editor --> <!-- http://www.coffeecup.com/ --> <!-- Brewed on 5/1/2003 10:11:10 PM --> <head> <title>Orthodox Inquirer/Convert Home Page</title> <meta name="description" content="Christian Orthodox Site for Inquiers and Converts"> <meta name="keywords" content="Eastern Orthodox, Orthodox, Orthodox Inquirers, Orthodox questions, Orthodox convert"> <!-- Created with the CoffeeCup HTML Editor --> <!-- http://www.coffeecup.com/ --> <!-- Brewed on 5/1/2003 9:21:40 PM --> <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="MainFormat.css" TITLE="Standard"> </head> <body> <table width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="3" border="0"> <tr><!-- Row 1 --> <td align="center"><img src="/emmilia.jpg" width="150" height="200" alt="" border="0" align=""></td> <td align="center"> <img src="title.gif" width="478" height="113" alt="" border="0"><br><br><br> <table width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="3" border="2" bordercolor="#0651FF" bgcolor="#F4F1DD"> <tr><!-- Row 1 --> <td align="center" width="25%"><a href="index.php">Home</a></td> <td align="center" width="25%"><a href="inquirer.php">Inquirer Page</a></td> <td align="center" width="25%"><a href="liturgics.php">Liturgics</a></td> <td align="center" width="25%"><a href="links.php">Orthodox Links</a></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <br> <div id="nomenubar"> <p>Welcome to the Orthodox Site for Inquirers and Converts! You have questions? We do or will have answers!</p> <p>This site is focused towards helping those from a Western background to gain an understanding of the Orthodox view point. Inquirers and converts to Orthodoxy often have certain issues that they deal with either in seriously looking into the claims of Orthodoxy or particular issues that arise once committed to becoming Orthodox. Our goal here is not so much a "debate" or apologetics in the sense of trying to win an argument, but to show what and why we believe what we do in a manner that we hope will make sense to the Western mind. To that end, you will find Bible Studies as well as topical articles on various subjects.</p> <p>For your information: Timothy Copple is the webmaster of this site. He is a reader in the Antiochian Archdiocese, and currently attends <a href="http://stjohngoldenco.org/" target="new">St. John Chrysostom Orthodox Church in Lakewood, CO</a>. However, this is not an official site of the Antiochian Archdiocese. While we do our best to reflect Orthodox theology and beliefs, as with anything on the Internet, double check what you find here with other sources like your local priest, as we are sinners and make mistakes.</p> <p>Take some time to browse, or check the list of new additions below. Thanks for visiting!</p> <h1>What's New!</h1> <ul> <li>1/26/19 - <a href="http://www.orthodoxconvert.info/Q-A.php?c=Mary-Is%20the%20Virgin%20Mary%20Saved%20by%20Works%20and%20Not%20Faith#top">Is Mary Saved by Works and Not Faith?</a><br>Some think that Mary's ever-virginity and purity lead to a works-based salvation. But it does not. We explore that in this article.</li> <li>5/23/14 - <a href="http://www.orthodoxconvert.info/Q-A.php?c=Salvation-Infant%20Baptism">Is Baptizing Infants Biblical?</a><br>We explore the Biblical and historical support for infant baptism.</li> <li>2/6/11 - <a href="http://www.orthodoxconvert.info/Q-A.php?c=Piety-How%20To%20Become%20Orthodox">How to Become Orthodox</a><br>A frequent question is what does a person do to enter the Orthodox Church? Does one need to be baptized or not? This article provides a general outline.</li> <li>12/12/10 - <a href="http://www.orthodoxconvert.info/Q-A.php?c=Mary-Does%20the%20Ever-virginity%20of%20Mary%20Contradict%20Scripture">Does the Ever-virginity of Mary Contradict Scripture?</a><br>A review of the Scriptures often used to claim the belief contradicts the Scriptures, as well as showing how Scripture supports it and why it is necessary for upholding the Gospel of Christ.</li> <li>12/14/05 - <a href="http://www.orthodoxconvert.info/Q-A.php?c=Salvation-Blood%20Sacrifices%20and%20Forgiveness">Blood Sacrifices and Forgiveness in Orthodoxy</a><br>A Scriptural look at how forgiveness, justification, and blood sacrifices fit into the Orthodox understanding of salvation.</li> <li>9/6/05 - <a href="bstudy.php">The Bible and Orthodoxy</a><br>An updated introduction article to the Bible Study home page, along with an update of the menu system for the studies.</li> <li>5/22/05 - <a href="http://www.orthodoxconvert.info/Q-A.php?c=Piety-About%20Being%20a%20Godparent">About Being A Godparent</a><br>An article by Sub-deacon Thomas Wilson on the responsibilities of being a god parent.</li> <li>2/15/05 - <a href="http://www.orthodoxconvert.info/Q-A.php?c=Piety-Why%20Fast">Why Fast?</a><br>Is fasting biblical, why do we fast, and what are we suppose to accomplish with it?</li> <li>2/15/05 - <a href="http://www.orthodoxconvert.info/Q-A.php?c=Piety-What%20is%20an%20Acceptable%20Fast">What is an Acceptable Fast?</a><br>How do participate in the Church's fasting season in a spiritually beneficial manner.</li> <li>8/7/04 - <a href="Q-A.php?c=The%20Church-Does%20Orthodoxy%20Really%20Think%20It%20Is%20the%20True%20Church">Does Orthodoxy really think it is the "True Church"?</a><br>One of the most common questions asked by inquirers to Orthodoxy.</li> <li>7/28/04 - <a href="Q-A.php?c=Icons-Is%20Venerating%20Icons%20Idolatry">Is Venerating Icons Idolatry?</a><br>A Bible word study I did as a pastor when I was first looking into Orthodoxy.</li> <li>4/30/04 - <a href="Q-A.php?c=Salvation-Faith%20and%20Works%20in%20Orthodoxy">Faith, Works and Synergy, a look at St. John Cassian's view</a></li> <li>10/22/03 - <a href="Q-A.php?c=Intercession-Intercession%20In%20Heaven">Intercession of the Angels and Departed Saints for those in the Flesh</a><br>Great Biblical and Jewish writings concerning intercession for us in this life by those in the next one.</li> <li>8/20/03 - <a href="VickiJones_Journey.php">Convert Story of Vicki Jones</a></li> <li>8/20/03 - <a href="Q-A.php">Inquirer's Question and Answer Page</a><br>A page to answer your questions and to ask questions if you cannot find your question already answered.</li> <li>8/19/03 - <a href="Q-A.php?c=End%20Times-No%20Man%20Knows%20the%20Hour">Parables of the Last Judgment</a><br>A Thief in the Night, 10 Virgins, 10 Talents</li> <li>8/12/03 - <a href="Q-A.php?c=Icons-Cherubim%20and%20Arks">Cherubim and Arks</a>: Jewish roots of Orthodox Worship from Jews that were against images</li> <li>6/8/03 - <a href="bstudy.php?c=681Tim-001001001002Spiritual%20Fatherhood">1 Tim. 1:1-2</a>: Spiritual Fatherhood - Path to Humility</li> <li>6/8/03 - <a href="bstudy.php?c=681Tim-001003001004Prelest%20At%20the%20Door">1 Tim. 1:3-4</a>: Prelest At the Door</li> <li>6/8/03 - <a href="bstudy.php?c=681Tim-001005001011How%20to%20Use%20the%20Law%20Lawfully">1 Tim. 1:5-11</a>: How to Use the Law Lawfully</li> <li>6/8/03 - <a href="bstudy.php?c=681Tim-001012001017How%20We%20Are%20Saved%20by%20Faith%20Alone">1 Tim. 1:12-17</a>: How we are Saved by Faith Alone</li> <li>6/8/03 - <a href="bstudy.php?c=681Tim-002001002002Balanced%20Prayer">1 Tim. 2:1-2</a>: Balanced Prayer</li> <li>6/6/03 - <a href="Timothys_Journey.php">Convert Story of Timothy Copple</a><br> The whole story and nothing but the story! Warning, it is long.</li> <li>6/6/03 - <a href="Q-A.php?c=End%20Times-The%20Sheep%20and%20the%20Goats">Parable of the Last Judgment</a><br> A bible study on the Parable of the Sheep and Goats.</li> <li>5/26/03 - <a href="Q-A.php?c=Salvation-The%20Atonement">The Atonement</a><br> A topical study on the Orthodox understanding of the atonement of Jesus Christ.</li> <li>5/26/03 - <a href="Q-A.php?c=Salvation-Creation%20and%20the%20Fall">Creation and the Fall</a><br> A bible study on Genesis 1-3.</li> </ul> <hr> <blockquote> <h5><a href="#top">Return to top of page</a><h5> <h6>This web site designed and managed by <a href="http://www.rlcdata.com" target="_blank">RLC Data Management, LLC</a><br><br>All content and design on this site is copyrighted and needs the author's approval before use beyond personal edification.</h6> </blockquote> </div> </body> </html>
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Cloudflare, Inc.
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ooniprobe-desktop-unattended (3.14.1)
Measurement Engine
ooniprobe-engine (3.14.1)