El Salvador
January 18, 2025, 06:47 AM UTC
Date & Time
Runtime: 1.7s
On January 18, 2025, 06:47 AM UTC, https://greenhost.net/ was accessible when tested on AS14754 in El Salvador.


HTTP Experiment
DNS Experiment

DNS Queries

IN A greenhost.net

TCP Connections

Connection to succeeded.

HTTP Requests

GET https://greenhost.net/
Response Headers
Sat, 18 Jan 2025 06:47:12 GMT
Wed, 15 Jan 2025 17:37:24 GMT
1; mode=block
Response Body
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                          Managed services
                        <p>Your project, infrastructure managed by us</p>
                        <p>SLA with 24/7 professional support available</p>
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              <a href="#why-greenhost" id="why-greenhost">Why Greenhost?</a>
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              <img alt="Icon with plant and hands" src="/static/images/sprites.svg#icon-sustainable-business" /><main>
                <p>Green and sustainable web hosting, from small, simple websites to complex
                setups with multiple VPSes, is the foundation of Greenhost. We have been front
                runners in this field for over fifteen years, and we still strive towards
                maximal sustainability in every step of our production process. This goes just
                as much for the small choices, like which coffee or furniture to use as for
                the big contributions, like which hardware or energy supplier to select. Read
                our <a href="/sustainable/">sustainability report</a> for all the details.</p>
                <a href="/sustainable/">read more...</a></main>
            </div><div class="feature-tile">
              <img alt="Icon with protect www" src="/static/images/sprites.svg#icon-www-protect" /><main>
                    Internet freedom
                <p>The Internet as a free and open space is under pressure every day. Greenhost
                      regards the Internet as a medium for accessible information, a platform for
                      partnerships and a forum to express and form opinions. As such, the distributed
                      foundations of the Internet should be safeguarded. To this end we play an
                      active role in several projects regarding digital security and human rights,
                      by sharing knowledge, supporting partnerships and developing open source
                      applications in-house.</p>
                      <a href="/internet-freedom/">read more...</a></main>
            </div><div class="feature-tile">
              <img alt="Icon with data privacy" src="/static/images/sprites.svg#icon-data-privacy" /><main>
                    Data privacy
                <p>The modern Internet brings complex questions about digital privacy. Data has
                      become a valuable resource. Greenhost values data privacy and will do the most
                      it can to protect data and privacy on our platform. Guaranteeing data privacy
                      is leading in our decision making.</p>
                      <a href="/privacy/">read more...</a></main>
            </div><div class="feature-tile">
              <img alt="Icon with infrastructure" src="/static/images/sprites.svg#icon-infrastructure" /><main>
                    State of the art infrastructure
                <!--- Infrastructure partial -->
                      <p>Greenhost fully owns and controls its hardware, infrastructure and uplinks.
                      This ensures independence from third parties and proper access control. On this
                      hardware we run our fully virtualised platform. We stand for an Open Internet,
                      and have always embraced open source software. With SSD, Ceph and Xen as
                      pillars, combined with high connectivity, Greenhost can boast a stable, fast
                      and scalable platform.</p>
                      <a href="/infrastructure/">read more...</a></main>
      <div class="section-wrapper-dark">
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              <a href="#sustainability" id="sustainability">Sustainable</a>
            <img alt="icon with hands and plant" src="/static/images/sprites.svg#icon-sustainable-business-medium" />
          <main><p>On a global scale, the Internet and the ICT sector are responsible for high
            levels of energy wastage and environmental pollution. We are not blind to that,
            but we try to make a difference by striving towards maximal sustainability in
            every step of our production process. This starts with hosting: our servers are
            hosted at the climate neutral
            <a href="https://evoswitch.com/amsterdam-data-center-ams-01/">Evoswitch data centre</a>
            and our cluster runs on Dutch wind energy. By careful hardware selection we
            reduce consumption, by centralizing storage, we can make very efficient use of
            the hardware we use and through virtualisation we can continually adjust our
            systems to match demand.</p>
            <p>But next to our hosting infrastructure, sustainability is also deeply rooted
            into our daily routines. The Greenhost office is located in the carbon neutral
            building <a href="https://patch22.nl">Patch22</a> in Amsterdam, mainly made of renewable
            materials. Heating runs on a pellet stove using sustainably grown and locally
            sourced wood. Our employees enjoy organic vegetarian lunches with many vegan
            options. Most of us come to the office by bike. We use second hand furniture
            for the larger part and our office runs on green energy. A permanent team of
            employees dedicated themselves to keep the “Green” in “Greenhost", and make
            sure that our future choices will also be made with full regard to their social
            and environmental impact.</p>
            <p>See how we did in our
            <a href="/sustainable/">sustainability report</a>.</p>
            <a href="sustainable">read more...</a></main>
          <div class="columns">
            <ul class="feature-list">
              <li class="icon-turbine-dark large">
                100% Renewable energy from local windmills
              <li class="icon-sustainable-business-dark large">
                Participating in multiple sustainability projects
              <li class="icon-sustainable-office-dark large">
                Wooden, sustainable office building
              <li class="icon-footprint-dark large">
                <a href="/blog/2018/02/22/making-greenhost-even-greener/">Measures taken</a> to reduce CO₂ footprint.
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        <section class="topic">
              <a href="#infrastructure" id="infrastructure">Infrastructure</a>
            <img alt="icon with infrastructure" src="/static/images/sprites.svg#icon-infrastructure" />
          <main><p>Greenhost fully owns and controls its hardware. This ensures independence from
            third parties and proper access control.</p>
            <p>Greenhost is currently using HP or IBM/Lenovo hardware for the majority of its
            network. These producers have one of the higher scores according to the
            Greenpeace "Guide to Greener Electronics" guidelines, and are well known to
            provide stable and fast products. In our software selection open source stands
            out as the first choice. The list of applications in use is long, but some of
            our favourites are Ceph, Xen, HAProxy and GitLab.</p>
            <p>Our storage is centred around <a href="https://ceph.com/">Ceph</a>, a unified, distributed
            storage system with good performance, reliability and scalability. Our
            virtualisation is built around <a href="https://xenserver.org/">Xen</a>, using the
            relatively new <em>paravirtualisation with assisted hardware virtualisation</em> (PVH)
            mode. This mode has best of both worlds in terms of performance and security.
            In combination with our in-house developed toolset and service panel we can
            adjust for our requirements and extend features without being dependent on
            third parties. As we are using Xen in combination with Ceph, we do not rely on
            local storage. In this way we can provide a flexible and scalable platform
            while limiting points of failure. All nodes are using (modern) Xeon CPUs to
            provide great CPU performance.</p>
            <p>Greenhost is RIPE and APNIC member. We own our IPv4 and IPv6 spaces and have
            full control over the use and routing of those address spaces. Our primary
            transit providers are <a href="https://www.fiberring.com">FiberRing</a> and
            <a href="https://www.ixreach.com/">IX-reach</a>. In addition we are member of AMS-IX. As
            we are using multiple transit and peering providers, no single third party can
            be a limiting factor, ensuring flexibility and independence.</p>
            <a href="/infrastructure/">read more...</a></main>
          <div class="columns">
            <ul class="feature-list">
              <li class="icon-fast-ssd-duo large">
                Redundant & fast SSD based storage
              <li class="icon-redundancy large">
                Redundant power and network design
              <li class="icon-fast-cpu-duo large">
                Modern Intel Xeon E5 CPUs
              <li class="icon-fast-switches large">
                Blazingly fast switches.
      <div class="section-wrapper-dark">
              <a href="#testimonials" id="testimonials">Don't just take our word for it</a>
            <p>Just check out what these people have to say about our services.</p>
          </header><div class="testimonial">
            <img src="/static/images/testimonials/janneke-tromp-webbouw.jpg" alt="Janneke Tromp - J Ontwerp" sizes="150px" srcset="/static/images/testimonials/janneke-tromp-webbouw.150.jpg 150w, /static/images/testimonials/janneke-tromp-webbouw.300.jpg 300w, /static/images/testimonials/janneke-tromp-webbouw.450.jpg 450w, /static/images/testimonials/janneke-tromp-webbouw.600.jpg 600w" width="150" /><main><blockquote>
                  As a human, as well as as a web designer I may be able to make a
                  difference in the greening of the web. Greenhost fits very well in that
                  perspective. By using renewable energy sources, minimising energy use
                  and actively researching (i.a. with the UvA) new greening possibilities.
                  Additionally, Greenhost supports social organisations and digital
                  freedom and offers ease of use combined with friendly and responsive
                  support for a low price. I am happy and proud that "J Ontwerp" is a
                  co-branding partner of this quirky and growing lot.
                <cite>Janneke Tromp - J Ontwerp</cite></blockquote></main>
          </div><div class="testimonial">
            <img src="/static/images/testimonials/merel-groene-meisjes.jpg" alt="Merel - de Groene Meisjes" sizes="150px" srcset="/static/images/testimonials/merel-groene-meisjes.150.jpg 150w, /static/images/testimonials/merel-groene-meisjes.300.jpg 300w, /static/images/testimonials/merel-groene-meisjes.450.jpg 450w, /static/images/testimonials/merel-groene-meisjes.600.jpg 600w" width="150" /><main><blockquote>
                  Take our advice to heart and choose a good domain name and immediately
                      register it at a good hosting provider like Greenhost
                <cite>Merel - de Groene Meisjes</cite></blockquote></main>
          </div><div class="testimonial">
            <img src="/static/images/testimonials/sean-garrity-hosting-advice.jpg" alt="Sean Garrity - &lt;a href=&quot;https://hostingadvice.com&quot;&gt;hostingadvice.com&lt;/a&gt;" sizes="150px" srcset="/static/images/testimonials/sean-garrity-hosting-advice.150.jpg 150w, /static/images/testimonials/sean-garrity-hosting-advice.300.jpg 300w, /static/images/testimonials/sean-garrity-hosting-advice.450.jpg 450w, /static/images/testimonials/sean-garrity-hosting-advice.600.jpg 600w" width="150" /><main><blockquote>
                  Greenhost provides hosting for NGOs and businesses that take ethical
                      issues and sustainability seriously. The company was built to offer
                      leading-edge IT services while conserving natural resources through energy
                      efficient data centres and an environmentally friendly culture.
                <cite>Sean Garrity - <a href="https://hostingadvice.com">hostingadvice.com</a></cite></blockquote></main>
          </div><div class="testimonial">
            <img src="/static/images/testimonials/hanneke-laaning-studiovensterbank.jpg" alt="Hanneke Laaning - Studio Vensterbank" sizes="150px" srcset="/static/images/testimonials/hanneke-laaning-studiovensterbank.150.jpg 150w, /static/images/testimonials/hanneke-laaning-studiovensterbank.300.jpg 300w, /static/images/testimonials/hanneke-laaning-studiovensterbank.450.jpg 450w, /static/images/testimonials/hanneke-laaning-studiovensterbank.600.jpg 600w" width="150" /><main><blockquote>
                  As a web designer I have a lot of experience with hosting providers and
                      I am reminded time and time again why I have been a loyal Greenhost
                      customer since 2012. Their green vision, execution and adjustment if
                      necessary is unsurpassed! The support team always thinks along with you
                      and solves problems if they arise. Greenhost has been doing business
                      with a green heart for years and is committed to a better (digital)
                      world.  Yes, this is who I want to accommodate my hosting.
                <cite>Hanneke Laaning - Studio Vensterbank</cite></blockquote></main>
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Resolver ASN
Resolver IP
Resolver Network Name
M247 Europe SRL
Report ID
Software Name
ooniprobe-desktop-unattended (3.23.0)
Measurement Engine
ooniprobe-engine (3.23.0)

Raw Measurement Data
