Runtime: 1.3s
On January 18, 2025, 06:50 AM UTC, https://globalpressjournal.com/ was accessible when tested on AS4760 in Hong Kong.
HTTP Experiment
DNS Experiment
DNS Queries
IN A globalpressjournal.com
IN AAAA globalpressjournal.com
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701.68" /> <polygon class="b" points="1428.7 701.68 1427.45 702.8 1427.95 704.3 1427.2 705.68 1425.95 706.55 1426.32 707.93 1427.82 707.8 1428.57 706.93 1429.2 707.55 1431.2 707.18 1431.32 705.8 1429.2 705.55 1429.07 704.18 1429.2 702.68 1428.7 701.68" /> <polygon class="b" points="1431.07 698.93 1429.95 699.68 1430.45 701.3 1430.2 703.55 1431.2 703.3 1431.95 704.3 1432.45 706.18 1433.7 705.43 1434.57 704.93 1433.82 702.68 1433.7 701.43 1431.7 700.18 1431.07 698.93" /> <polygon class="b" points="1431.07 698.93 1429.95 699.68 1430.45 701.3 1430.2 703.55 1431.2 703.3 1431.95 704.3 1432.45 706.18 1433.7 705.43 1434.57 704.93 1433.82 702.68 1433.7 701.43 1431.7 700.18 1431.07 698.93" /> <path class="b" 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d="m1426.57,711.93l-1.75,1.12-[scrubbed],1.62-2.62.12-1.5,1.12-.12,2.75.38,1-2.25.75,2.12,1.75,1.75-1.25-.75-1.12-.25-.75,1-1.5.88-1.5,1.12,1.38,1.5-.12,1.12.12-.5-1.62,1.12-.38,1.5,1.75,1,1.5-.88,1.62,1.5,2.62,1.75.38,2.25-.62-.38,1.37s1.25,1.12,[scrubbed]-1.75.5-1.75l-.75-2.12.38-1.25.75-.88,1.12,1.25,1.12,1.12.75-1.88.5-1.87-.62-2.5-.38-1,.38-1.87-.12-2-1-.88-.75-.75-.25-1.37-2.25.25s-1,1.75-.62,2,1.25,1.25,1.25,1.25l-1,.12-2.5-.12s-.38.62-.25,1,.5,1.87.5,1.87l-1.25-.87-1,.75-.75,1.25-.88-.12-.12-2.12-1.5-.38Z" /> <polygon class="b" points="1416.82 723.8 1415.07 723.43 1413.57 724.18 1414.7 725.8 1415.95 724.8 1416.82 723.8" /> <polygon class="b" points="1416.82 723.8 1415.07 723.43 1413.57 724.18 1414.7 725.8 1415.95 724.8 1416.82 723.8" /> <polygon class="b" points="1425.07 694.93 1424.7 696.43 1424.7 697.55 1426.95 697.05 1428.57 697.93 1428.07 696.18 1426.32 695.43 1425.07 694.93" /> <polygon class="b" points="1425.07 694.93 1424.7 696.43 1424.7 697.55 1426.95 697.05 1428.57 697.93 1428.07 696.18 1426.32 695.43 1425.07 694.93" /> <polygon class="b" points="1429.7 688.43 1429.82 689.93 1430.45 690.68 1432.2 689.55 1430.95 687.93 1429.7 688.43" /> <polygon class="b" points="1429.7 688.43 1429.82 689.93 1430.45 690.68 1432.2 689.55 1430.95 687.93 1429.7 688.43" /> <polygon class="b" points="1334.53 650.09 1336.53 651.43 1337.86 652.93 1338.03 655.09 1339.03 657.09 1343.86 656.76 1344.53 658.26 1345.2 660.09 1346.53 660.76 1344.53 661.93 1342.53 662.43 1342.53 664.93 1344.53 666.43 1346.7 668.09 1349.86 672.59 1352.7 674.59 1354.2 676.93 1356.2 679.09 1356.2 681.43 1356.7 683.26 1356.86 685.59 1356.86 687.59 1357.53 690.09 1357.7 694.09 1356.7 695.93 1354.03 697.43 1351.36 698.09 1351.7 700.09 1352.86 701.76 1351.03 701.59 1348.36 701.26 1346.53 702.59 1344.36 703.26 1343.03 703.43 1342.03 704.09 1344.2 704.76 1345.2 705.76 1346.7 705.93 1345.53 708.59 1345.36 710.26 1345.36 712.09 1344.86 712.76 1347.36 711.76 1348.7 709.93 1350.53 708.09 1353.03 707.59 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d="m1502.2,760.26v8.17l.5,7.67-1.33,2.17,1,2.17.33,9.17-3.83-3.67-.83-1.17-2.33.67-2.67-.33-4.17.67,1.67-3,2-.67,1.33-1.5-1.5-1.5-1.33-2.83-1.33-2.5-1.83-1.67-5.33-1.67-5.5-1.67h-1.5l-2.67-1.83-2.17-1.67-1.5,2-1.67.17-1.5-2.5-.33-1.83-4.67-1.83,1.17-1.17,5.33.33,2.5-.17,1.67-1-2.17-.67-4.33-.17h-1.67l-1-1.83-2.33-1-2.83-.17-.33-1.83h1.83c1,0,2.33-.67,2.33-.67l2.5-1.83,4.5.33,2.83,1.17,1.17,2.5v1.17l.67,1.17-.5.83,1.67,1.83v2l1.5.33,1,1.67,2.33.33,1.33-2.17,2.17-1.83v-1.17l2.67-.67-.33-1.33,2.5-1.5,2.67.33,2.83,2,3.67,1.67,2.67.17,3.16.33Z" /> <polygon class="b" points="1446.03 739.76 1443.86 742.93 1443.36 746.26 1444.69 747.26 1444.53 750.43 1447.86 753.26 1446.53 748.43 1448.69 747.76 1448.19 745.26 1449.53 743.43 1447.03 744.09 1445.36 742.93 1446.03 739.76" /> <polygon class="g" points="1446.03 739.76 1443.86 742.93 1443.36 746.26 1444.69 747.26 1444.53 750.43 1447.86 753.26 1446.53 748.43 1448.69 747.76 1448.19 745.26 1449.53 743.43 1447.03 744.09 1445.36 742.93 1446.03 739.76" /> 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608.93 999.37 610.93 998.7 611.93 999.7 614.93 1000.03 616.93 999.87 652.43 1025.7 652.43 1025.7 651.26 1027.03 651.43 1027.03 652.59 1035.37 652.43 1036.37 653.09 1038.37 6
Resolver ASN
Resolver IP
Resolver Network Name
Google LLC
Report ID
Software Name
ooniprobe-cli-unattended (3.24.0)
Measurement Engine
ooniprobe-engine (3.24.0)