February 20, 2025, 07:42 PM UTC
Date & Time
Runtime: 2.3s
On February 20, 2025, 07:42 PM UTC, https://uea.org/ was accessible when tested on AS58224 in Iran.


HTTP Experiment
DNS Experiment

DNS Queries

IN A uea.org

TCP Connections

Connection to succeeded.

HTTP Requests

GET https://uea.org/
Response Headers
no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0
text/html; charset=utf-8
Thu, 20 Feb 2025 19:15:53 GMT
Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
PHPSESSID=4rdvemiitrdcaqcdj8tv6m06c6; path=/
Response Body
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<div id="averto">Pardonpeton!<br /><br />La vera aspekto de la retejo ne povas por esti korekte rigardata per via retumilo. </div>

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<a href="/info/en/kio_estas_uea"><li class="aktiva">What is UEA?</li></a>
<a href="/info/en/vialande"><li>In your country</li></a>
<a href="/info/en/ghisdate_pri_esperanto"><li>Update On Esperanto</li></a>
<a href="/info/en/ligiloj"><li>Useful Esperanto links</li></a>
<a href="/info/en/membreco"><li>Aliĝu!</li></a>
<div class="lingvo_elektilo"><div class='ovalo'>Elektebla lingvo: </div><a href="/info/eo/kio_estas_uea" title="esperanto"><img src="/bildoj/flagoj/eo.png" width="16" height="11"/></a>&nbsp;<a href="/info/fr/kio_estas_uea" title="français"><img src="/bildoj/flagoj/fr.png" width="16" height="11"/></a>&nbsp;<a href="/info/de/kio_estas_uea" title="deutsch"><img src="/bildoj/flagoj/de.png" width="16" height="11"/></a>&nbsp;<a href="/info/es/kio_estas_uea" title="español"><img src="/bildoj/flagoj/es.png" width="16" height="11"/></a>&nbsp;<a href="/info/pt/kio_estas_uea" title="português"><img src="/bildoj/flagoj/pt.png" width="16" height="11"/></a>&nbsp;<a href="/info/nl/kio_estas_uea" title="nederlands"><img src="/bildoj/flagoj/nl.png" width="16" height="11"/></a>&nbsp;<a href="/info/ru/kio_estas_uea" title="русский"><img src="/bildoj/flagoj/ru.png" width="16" height="11"/></a>&nbsp;<a href="/info/ua/kio_estas_uea" title="українська мова"><img src="/bildoj/flagoj/ua.png" width="16" height="11"/></a>&nbsp;</div>
<div class="kontakta desupre"><div class="rugha granda">Contact UEA at:</div><div class="dika desupre">Universala Esperanto-Asocio</div><div>Nieuwe Binnenweg 176, 3015 BJ Rotterdam,<br />The Netherlands</div>
       <div><strong>Phone:</strong> <span class="nobr">+31 10 436 1044</span><br /><strong>Fax:</strong><span class="nobr">
      +49 30 364280169</span><br /><strong>Email:</strong> <a rel='uea.org'  j='info' class='retadreso' title='Retletero: UEA'><nomo@de\.la>info</nomo@de\.la><etikedo class='rugha'>&#64;</etikedo><span class='nevidebla'>.spamaĵo?</span>uea.org</a></div> </div>

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<div class='formatigo'><div class='pagha_titolo'>What is UEA?</div>
<img src="/bildoj/i/2008-07-20_uk_landaj_salutontoj.jpg" class="kolumno_dekstra"/>
<div class="fona_kadro">The Universal Esperanto Association was founded in 1908 as an organization
of individual Esperantists. Currently UEA is the largest international organization
for Esperanto speakers and has members in 120 countries.</div>
<p>UEA works not only
to promote Esperanto, but to stimulate discussion of the world language problem
and to call attention to the necessity of equality among languages.</p>
<p>Its statute lists the following four goals:</p>
<ul class="lista">
<li> to promote the use of the international language Esperanto</li>
<li> to act for the solution of the language problem in international relations
and to facilitate international communication</li>
<li> to encourage all types of spiritual and material relations among people,
irrespective of differences of nationality, race, sex, religion, politics,
or language</li>
<li>to nurture among its members a strong sense of solidarity, and to develop
in them understanding and respect for other peoples.</li>
<p>Particular concerns of UEA are the promotion of Esperanto in countries and
regions where a self-standing Esperanto movement does not yet exist, and linking
Esperanto activists in those places with the worldwide movement. In addition
to this, it has also traditionally represented the Esperanto movement at international
institutions such as the United Nations, UNESCO, the Council of Europe, etc.
<p>UEA is an important publisher, the largest mail-order Esperanto bookstore
in the world, the secretariat of the annual <a href="http://uea.org/kongresoj/partners#about" class="ligilo">World Esperanto Congress</a>, and
an information center. It has an important library, and its network of activists
is the largest and most international in the movement.
<p><strong>But UEA is much more</strong> than just an organization providing services.
It is also a movement that strives toward an ideal: an ideal of mutual understanding
and cooperation among people. This means that much of its activity depends
on the voluntary support of its members: it does not pay for itself, but
demands gifts and sacrifices. It also needs active and prudent persons to
fulfill this activity.
<p>It is not necessary to have a title in order to contribute to UEA. You
can do this in dozens of ways, often quite simple. Regularly contributing
to a fund or foundation. Accepting and fulfilling the tasks of a UEA delegate.
Recruiting other members among your acquaintances. Paying dues for a friend
in a poor country. Connecting your Esperanto club with clubs in other countries
and continents. Discussing the activity of UEA in your club or national
Esperanto association. Collaborating with the Information Department, the
Center for Research and Documentation of the Language Problem, the Terminological
Esperanto Center, or an affiliated specialized association. And so forth...
<p><strong>For more than 70 years </strong>the UEA Central Office has been located in
Rotterdam, The Netherlands. In 1961, following six years in a rented building,
the association purchased its own building at Nieuwe Binnenweg 176, which
it renovated and enlarged in 1985-86 and 2005-08. In its four storeys are located five
general workrooms, a prepress work area, a mail room, a computer room, a
bookstore, a conference room, a kitchen and dining area, the Hector Hodler
library, an archive room, and two bedrooms for volunteers. There are around
twenty rooms in all.
<p>There are generally between 7-9 persons working in the Central Office,
not all of them full-time. Among the full-time positions are those of the
director general, congress secretary, secretary, two bookkeepers, 
prepress technician and bookstore manager.
A current list of staff members appears in the section <a href="/asocio/oficistoj">Asocio</a>.
<p>Visitors are welcome in the Central Office, but are requested to announce
their arrival ahead of time.
<p>To support the work at the United Nations and UNESCO, UEA also has an office
in New York City, USA.
</p></div><div class='supren'><a href='#supren' class='ligileto'>Up</a></div><a href="#" class="reflugu">Up</a></div>

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<div id="sub">UEA, 2025</div>
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Resolver ASN
Resolver IP
Resolver Network Name
Level 3 Parent, LLC
Report ID
Software Name
ooniprobe-desktop-unattended (3.21.0)
Measurement Engine
ooniprobe-engine (3.21.0)

Raw Measurement Data
