February 22, 2025, 08:02 AM UTC
Date & Time
Runtime: 1.4s
On February 22, 2025, 08:02 AM UTC, https://www.megaproxy.com/ was accessible when tested on AS37645 in Angola.


HTTP Experiment
DNS Experiment

DNS Queries

IN A www.megaproxy.com

TCP Connections

Connection to succeeded.

HTTP Requests

GET https://www.megaproxy.com/
Response Headers
no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
Sat, 22 Feb 2025 08:03:33 GMT
Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Sat, 22 Feb 2025 08:03:33 GMT
MPW=64B0411F32EEF2905AB49C5CB3AE8E64; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly
max-age=10886400; includeSubDomains
1; mode=block
Response Body

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>Megaproxy&reg; Anonymous proxy - Secure web surfing, private Internet service</title>
<meta name="description" content="Megaproxy&reg; offers free, secure anonymous web proxy and reliable Web SSL VPN service. Enjoy encrypted Internet browsing and surf web privately" />
<meta name="keywords" content="anomymous proxy, secure web surfing, private Internet browsing, web proxy, Web SSL VPN" />
<meta name="Copyright" content="Copyright 2000-2020 Megaproxy.com" />
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<tr><td width="185" colspan="2" class="mp">As Seen on TechTV</td><td width="560" rowspan="2" valign="top" align="right"><h1>PRIVATE WEB SSL VPN ANYWHERE, AT ANYTIME</h1></td></tr>
<tr><td width="193" colspan="2" align="right">&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr><td width="151" valign="top" class="megahome"><img src="/ssl/megahome.jpg" width="150" height="190" border="0" alt="WEB SSL VPN: Clientless online security & Internet privacy">
<h2>MEGAPROXY&reg; WEB SSL<br> &nbsp;VPN SOLUTIONS FOR:</h2>
<table border="0" width="150" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
<tr><td class="InternetSecurity"><a href="/solutions/webuser/" title="Link: Online security & privacy solutions for Internet users">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;INTERNET USERS</a></td></tr>
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<tr><td class="InternetSecurity"><a href="/solutions/research/" title="Link: solutions for online researchers">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ACADEMIC & RESEARCH</a></td></tr>
<tr><td class="InternetSecurity"><a href="/solutions/enterprise/" title="Link: Megaproxy - enterprise solutions">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ENTERPRISE CUSTOMERS</a></td></tr></table></td>
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<tr><td class="vda" colspan="7"></td></tr><tr><td class="vdg" colspan="7"></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="7" width="580">
<br><p class="fpx">Finally, <b>a reliable Web SSL VPN service</b> that allows you to <b>surf the web more securely and privately</b> <b>anywhere and at anytime</b> from any Internet-enabled location without the complexities of software installations, third-party browser plugin-ins or re-configurations.</p>
<p class="fpx">Innovative exclusive technology  that would proactively safeguard your online privacy and identity, allow you to surf the Internet revealing neither personal details nor information about your web destinations, while protecting your browser with application-aware security against common threats such as web browser  hijacking and Internet snooping.</p>
<b>You will need just a browser and an Internet connection to enjoy the power of Megaproxy&reg; WEB VPN</b>
<br><h5 align="center">MEGAPROXY&reg; ADVANCED WEB SSL VPN:&nbsp; <u>PRICE:</u>&nbsp;ONLY $9.95 FOR 3 MONTH ACCESS<br></h5>
<ul style="padding-left: 24px"><li><b>Unique, clientless on-demand technology. No browser plug-ins or client software required</b></li>
<li>Intelligent handling for JavaScript pages &amp; Macromedia FLASH / ACTIVE SCRIPT multimedia</li>
<li>Accelerated 128-bit SSL stream encryption & web content download compression</li>
<li>Comprehensive set of user-customizable Internet privacy & web security options</li>
<li>Secure & private access customer portal website</li>
<li>Online Internet Cookie Management and remote cookie storage</li>
<li>Web-based Private Bookmark Organizer</li></ul><br></td></tr><tr><td width="90">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="110" class="LearnMore"><a href="#webvpn"><u>L</u>EARN MORE</a></td>
<td width="45">&nbsp;</td><td width="110" class="SubscribeToday"><a href="/joinus/"><u>S</u>IGN UP!</a></td>
<td width="45">&nbsp;</td><td width="110" class="LearnMore"><a href="https://www.megaproxy.com/freesurf/"><u>T</u>RY IT FREE</a></td><td width="90">&nbsp;</td></tr>
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<tr><td colspan="3"><a name="webvpn"></a>
<h5>A QUICK GLANCE AT THE MEGAPROXY&reg; WEB SSL VPN SOLUTION&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
    [<font color="#FF0000"> </font><font color="#808080"><small>Click the links below to expand the selection</small></font> <small><font color="#FF0000">
<tr><td width="10" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td width="735" valign="top">
<h2><img border="0" src="/ssl/gdot.gif" alt="secure, private web surfing" hspace=10 width="12" height="12">Introduction to secure & private web surfing for first time Megaproxy&reg; users </h2>
<dd><dl id="one"><a href="javascript: expandCollapse('expand', 'one');">WHAT IS THE MEGAPROXY&reg; WEB SSL VPN ("SECURE SOCKET LAYER VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORKING") ?</a></dl>
<dl id="expand" style="display:none; border: 1px solid #8BB1D8; padding: 10px;">
<p class="fpx">Megaproxy&reg; is a secure "application-level" gateway between your workstation's browser and the Internet. 
At Megaproxy's core is a next-generation application-level proxy engine that filters, processes, and rewrites all web content before it is delivered to the end-user over a strong e-commerce grade SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encrypted tunnel. 
This means that when you use Megaproxy&reg;, your Internet browser requests are sent to the Megaproxy&reg; secure system, where they are requested, processed, and filtered on your behalf. 
The process takes the same, or less, amount of time than sending your request directly to the target web site, making it not only much safer and private but also more efficient.  <b>Because the connection to the Megaproxy&reg; service is securely encrypted with Industry standard 128-bit SSL encryption, neither the target web site nor the Internet service provider are able to determine where you are from, where you are surfing, or what web content you are downloading or viewing.</b></p>
<p class="fpx">The benefits of Megaproxy&reg; do not stop at enhanced protection against transparent <b>Internet filtering and eavesdropping over public or wireless networks.</b> 
Megaproxy&reg; Web SSL service offers a wide variety of exclusive user-configurable e-privacy, Internet performance and web security options to empower an aware user with the essential tool to minimize their exposure on the Internet while enjoying the reliable simplicity of clientless, on-demand Megaproxy&reg;  anonymous surfing technology. &#0187;&#0187;&#0187; <a href="/secure/sslvpn.html" title="Link: Get to know Web SSL VPN">LEARN MORE ...</a></p>
<hr noshade size="1" color="#dcdcdc"><center>
<font face="Wingdings" size="5">F</font> " Megaproxy couldn't be easier to use..." &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="http://www.g4tv.com" target="_blank"><font size="2" color="#FF0000">As Seen on TechTV</font></a></center>
<p align="right"><a href="javascript: expandCollapse('expand', 'one');">Minimize (X)</a></p></dl></dd>
<h2><img border="0" src="/ssl/gdot.gif" alt="privacy security enhancement tool" hspace=10 width="12" height="12">Megaproxy&reg; Web SSL VPN is an essential online privacy and security enhancement solution</h2>
<dd><dl id="two"><a href="javascript: expandCollapse('online', 'two');">THE CHANGING FACE OF ONLINE COMMUNICATIONS - IT IS NOT AS SAFE AS YOU MAY THINK</a></dl>
<dl id="online" style="display: none;border: 1px solid #8BB1D8;padding: 10px;">
<p class="fpx"> If you're like most Internet users today, then simply surfing the web and checking email isn't enough anymore. You recognize that your private information presents an irresistible attraction to deceptive or self-interested third parties that routinely go to extra lengths to convert your private details into profit without your knowledge or permission. This is where Megaproxy&reg; comes in. Although technology products cannot exclusively mitigate online confidentiality or security breaches without a reasonable level of Internet user awareness and <a href="/learn/selection/" title="Link: Common sense approach">COMMON SENSE</a>, the Megaproxy&reg; Web SSL VPN can  however offer a complementary level of protection against inappropriate or intrusive behavior of remote web sites visited with Megaproxy&reg;. &#0187;&#0187;&#0187; <a href="/secure/why_use_websslvpn.html" title="Link: Proactive approach to web security & online privacy">READ ON ...</a></p> 
<p class="fpx"><b>WHAT CAN MEGAPROXY&reg; ANONYMOUS SURFING DO FOR ME? </b> The Internet was not designed with web security or user identity protection in mind. Each time you retrieve a web page, you leave personal information and expose yourself to:</p>
<ul style="color: #8BB1D8" type="square"> 
<li><font color="#2F4F4F"><b>ONLINE CONSUMER MONITORING &amp; PROFILING</b></font></li>
<li><font color="#2F4F4F"><b>WEB BROWSER HIJACKING &amp; EXPLOITS</b></font></li>
<li><font color="#2F4F4F"><b>ONLINE SNOOPING &amp; EAVESDROPPING</b></font></li>
<li><font color="#2F4F4F"><b>ADWARE, SPYWARE, TROJAN WORMS &amp; WEB BUGS</b></font></li>
<li><font color="#2F4F4F"><b>PHISHING & PHARMING CRIMEWARE</b></font></li>
<li><font color="#2F4F4F"><b>MALICIOUS SCRIPTS &amp; BROWSER TRAPS</b></font></li>
<li><font color="#2F4F4F"><b>IDENTITY THEFT &amp; ONLINE FRAUD</b></font></li>
<li><font color="#2F4F4F"><b>INTRUSIVE MARKETING &amp; ADVERTISING</b></font></li></ul>
<p class="fpx">As the Internet evolves, the problem of confidentiality breaches continually worsens and Internet "black boxes," monitoring devices and open proxy "honeypots" analyze network packets as they travel over public networks to record all your online activities. Detailed information about which web sites you visit and which files you download can be permanently stored for further review by Internet service providers, corporate or educational Internet monitoring systems. Accordingly, such common measures as deleting your browser history downloaded files with third-party tools can be insignificant in light of the fact that a detailed network record of all your online activities could provide dramatically more insight about downloads, web searches and your private interests  &#0187;&#0187; <a href="/secure/why_use_websslvpn.html" title="Why use Web SSL VPN?">LEARN MORE ...</a></p>
<hr noshade size="1" color="#dcdcdc"><center>
<font face="Wingdings" size="5">F</font> " If you frequently use public hotspots, VPN service from MegaProxy is a good security choice..."&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="http://www.pcworld.com" target="_blank"><font size="2" color="#FF0000">PC World magazine</font></a></center> 
<p align="right"><a href="javascript: expandCollapse('online', 'two');">Minimize (X)</a></p></dl></dd>
<h2><img border="0" src="/ssl/gdot.gif" alt="Web SSL VPN" hspace=10 width="12" height="12">Why should I consider upgrading to Megaproxy&reg; Web SSL VPN solution?</h2>
<dd><dl id="three"><a href="javascript: expandCollapse('trusted', 'three');">MEGAPROXY&reg; - YOUR TRUSTED NET MEDIUM</a></dl>
<dl id="trusted" style="display: none;border: 1px solid #8BB1D8;padding: 10px;">
<p class="fpx">With <b><u>over 15 billion secure requests processed</u></b> during <u><b>12+ years of reliable service</b></u> to the Internet community,
 the steady growth and development of Megaproxy&reg; has translated into an ultra-reliable proxy system stemming from the latest and most potent 
 technologies that enable a secure browser Internet connection anywhere and anytime. Whatever your security needs, whether professional, personal, or something
 in between, Megaproxy&reg; can satisfy them. Whether you're at home, at college, traveling on the road, at a wireless hotspot or coffee shop,
 the Megaproxy&reg; Web SSL VPN offers an Internet experience that can provide you with:<br>&nbsp; 
<ul style="color: #8BB1D8" type="square"> 
<li><font color="#2F4F4F"><b>APPLICATION-AWARE WEB BROWSER SECURITY</b></font></li><li><font color="#2F4F4F"><b>PROACTIVE INTERNET PRIVACY PROTECTION</b></font></li>
<li><font color="#2F4F4F"><b>FASTER INTERNET PERFORMANCE</b></font></li><li><font color="#2F4F4F"><b>MOBILITY &amp; ACCESSIBILITY AND FLEXIBILITY</b></font></li>
<li><font color="#2F4F4F"><b>PEACE OF MIND</b></font></li></ul>
<p align="justify"><b>Without any third-party browser plug-ins, additional software or browser reconfigurations,</b> Megaproxy&reg; delivers a clientless
 and 128-bit SSL encrypted connection to the Internet wherever from you access the web. &#0187;&#0187;&#0187; <a href="/secure/sslvpn_benefits.html" title="Link: Web SSL Benefits">READ ON ...</a></p>
<hr noshade size="1" color="#dcdcdc"><center>
<font face="Wingdings" size="5">F</font> "... Anonymizing proxy services for allowing users to untraceably surf the Web have gone largely underground. 
 The mainstream services that remain are Megaproxy and Anonymizer. These two services are de-emphasizing anonymous surfing capabilities and targeting
 enterprise consumers with safety and security features..." &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="http://www.eweek.com" target="_blank"><font size="2" color="#FF0000">eWeek magazine</font></a></center>
<p align="right"><a href="javascript: expandCollapse('trusted', 'three');">Minimize (X)</a></p></dl></dd>
<h2><img border="0" src="/ssl/gdot.gif" alt="Clientless VPN service" hspace=10 width="12" height="12">How do I sign-up for the Megaproxy&reg; clientless VPN service?</h2>
<dd><dl id="four">
<a href="javascript: expandCollapse('where', 'four');">WHERE DO I <u>SIGN-UP</u> ?</a></dl>
<dl id="where" style="display: none;border: 1px solid #8BB1D8;padding: 10px;">
<p class="fpx">Megaproxy&reg; offers two services. Our <a href="https://www.megaproxy.com/freesurf/" title="Link: Free secure, anonymous proxy"> BASIC (FREE ANONYMOUS SURFING) WEB PROXY SERVICE</a> enables users to access web sites securely and privately but imposes
a number of functionality <a href="/learn/free_vs_advanced/chart/" title="Link: free service restrictions">RESTRICTIONS</a> and lacks many of the <a href="/secure/websslvpn_features.html" title="Link: Advanced Web SSL VPN service features">ADVANCED SERVICE FEATURES</a> available on the Megaproxy&reg; Advanced subscription service.  With Megaproxy's Advanced subscription service, users have access to 
<a href="/secure/megaproxy_websslvpn.html" title="Link: Take a tour of our advanced service"> EXCLUSIVE ARCHITECTURE</a> and popular features like:<br><br>
<ul><li><p align="justify"><b>Clientless on-demand technology - </b>provides secure and private Internet access from anywhere at anytime without worrying about software installations, crashes, updates, application conflicts and other system comparability issues.</li> 
<li><p align="justify"><b>Full-time accelerated SSL stream encryption</b>  - protects all data passing traffic between your web browser and our secure proxy service with 128-Bit SSL encryption.</li> 
<li><p align="justify"><b>IP address masquerading (aka "IP address hiding") -</b> temporarily replaces your unique TCP/IP address identifier with a Megaproxy&reg; IP address to protect the location of the original connection from online snoops and traces.</li> 
<li><p align="justify"><b>Maximum Content &amp; download compression</b>  - reduces data content retrieved from remote sites using an industry standard compression algorithm to deliver the web pages up to five times faster. Many Internet Service Providers provide a "Download Dial-up Accelerator" enhancement package similar to Megaproxy's Content Compression feature at an additional monthly cost. &#0187;&#0187;&#0187;
<a href="/secure/websslvpn_features.html" title="Link: Advanced Web SSL VPN service features">READ ON ...</a></li></ul>
<p align="right"><a href="javascript: expandCollapse('where', 'four');">Minimize (X)</a></p></dl></td>
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<tr><td width="500" align="center" class="access" height="20"><p class="toplink">Access to Megaproxy&reg; site/service is subject to <a href="/legal/tos/"> Terms of Service</a> and to our <a href="/legal/ps/"> Privacy Statement</a>.</p></td></tr>
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<!-- Feb 22, 2025 3:03:33 AM -->


Resolver ASN
Resolver IP
Resolver Network Name
Google LLC
Report ID
Software Name
ooniprobe-desktop-unattended (3.24.0)
Measurement Engine
ooniprobe-engine (3.24.0)

Raw Measurement Data
